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Inspired by James Clear, each month I will write (and post here) an integrity report. This starts from the first week in July. For me, this gives me a reason to revisit my core values and consider if I have been living a sincere life.

The integrity reports will help answer the question, “Am I actually living like the type of person I claim to be?”

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There are 3 main questions that I will answer in this Integrity Report.

  1. What are the core values that drive my life and work?
  2. How am I living and working with integrity right now?
  3. How can I set a higher standard in the future?

What are the core values that drive my life and work?


  • Am I learning new things, exploring new places, and experimenting with new ideas?
  • Am I questioning my limiting beliefs and trying to overcome them?
  • Am I building habits that lead to continual improvement?

Self respect

  • Am I settling for a less than average life?
  • Am I fine when I really am not?
  • Am I living like the type of person I claim to be?
  • Do I give myself enough alone time?


  • Am I contributing to the world or just consuming it?
  • Am I someone others can count on?
  • Am I helping to make things better for others?
  • If this was the best year of my life what would I do?


  • Am I mentally and physically strong?
  • Am I preparing for unexpected challenges?
  • Am I taking steps to overcome the challenges in my life?
  • Do I have big enough goals?

How am I living and working with Integrity right now


  • Do I apologize for mistakes and righting old wrongs
  • Do I say what I mean and do what I say
  • Do I return missed calls and reply all emails(personal)
  • Do I have big enough goals?


How can I set a higher standard in the future

  • Do I make out time for people that matter(family and close friends)?
  • Am I saving for emergencies and future investments
  • Do I return missed calls and reply all emails(personal)
  • Do I have big enough goals?


Tomorrow, I will create an Integrity Reports Worksheet that you can use to draft out yours. This looks like a good enough challenge to also help me be the person I was made to. With the help of 5 people who I interact with on a regular basis they will attest to my report.

One Comment

  • Dave says:

    I found your blog by searching for ideas on how to write a personal integrity report.. This post came up near the top of the search.
    I read in the post that tomorrow you were going to create an Integrity Report Worksheet that I could use to draft out my own report.
    I searched your site by scrolling through the posts (a “search this site option” could maybe be a help?)… Anyhow, I finally found your post Define Who You Are.
    Maybe I’m missing something really obvious but I couldn’t find any worksheet – unless the post itself is to be used as one?
    Your help in my quandary would be most gratefully received. Thank you in advance

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