1. I threw a Peppersoup Party
Earlier this year, I felt ‘socially-under’(whatever that means). Instead of wallowing in it, I invited 10 friends over who had never been to my house. Result? A peppersoup party. Yes, I made the peppersoup myself. Lots of wine went round, even my parrot had a taste of some wine. We watched funny Youtube videos on a big screen and I did a photoshoot. I also got inspired by the visit to write a post for my HighLifer project on how to host a small party with less than N5000.
2. I gave out money when I was in need of money
I am a believer in the philosophy of giving to get. An interesting life paradox! How do you receive when your fist is clenched? I particularly enjoy the feeling of doing the crazy, unexpected, knowing material things don’t really define who we are. I am inspired by Winston Churchill’s quote that says “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” I am also reminded by the words in scriptures that say, “give and it shall be given to you!”. I can categorically say I have given this year alone than I have given all my life.
We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give
3. Traveled to East Africa with little money
I was fed up with work, I had gotten to the burnout point. I got the opportunity to leave the country for a break. Let’s just say, I found myself in Tanzania with very little on me(thanks to Nigeria‘s Forex policy). Somehow the experience of being in a new place, with new faces, little access to your bank account, etc was thrilling. I also learned a few things: find ways to make money in a strong currency, then spend local. More on this later.
4. I uplifted someone’s spirit for mine.
Ever given someone valid advise that you know you wouldn’t have taken? Yes, it’s easy to give advice but more difficult to follow advice. So here’s what I do when I need advice: I give it to myself orally, through journals. Same goes with uplifting spirits. When I see someone who needs motivation, I drop my own downcast and help them up. Somehow this helps me too. It’s a proven psychological hack. In Jose Silva’s Silva Life System, it’s technically called the Mirror Of The Mind Technique.
When you’re thirsty, drink from your own well.

5. Writer’s block? I got a bigger writing board
Months after publishing my second book, I just realized how difficult it was to create new content. The Writer’s Block hit me big time! So I decided to paint the hallway in my house black so I can write on it. On one side, I write inspirational thoughts that come to me. On the other side, I ask visitors write what inspires them.

6. Mindfulness practices through photography
I’ve been practicing a bit of ‘awakening’. Long story! One of my biggest discoveries in life is mindfulness meditation. I talk about this a lot. One effective way I practice this is taking long walks with my ‘nifty-fifty’ attached to my DSLR. How this works will be scope for another writing. Through photography, I find myself more in the present moment. It allows me live in the moment as well as appreciate those little details we miss out in our day to day hustle.

7. I learned to love Lagos Traffic. How?
If you’ve ever spent time with me you will know I abhor traffic. But that’s something of the past now. At least, so far. The Lagos traffic can get pretty irritating especially when you see crazy-ass drivers make stupid-ass decisions. I recently read the book by Wes Moss titled Make More, Worry Less. He mentioned how 40% of the book was written in traffic. That just reminded me of one of the biggest lessons I have learned this year- sometimes you need to change your perspective when situations seem less favorable. Despite my hatred for the Lagos traffic, I find ways to be productive. In the morning, I listen to uplifting podcasts on my way to work. This charges me up for the day. I wouldn’t otherwise listen to podcasts because I won’t have the time. I spend the evenings returning phone calls, drafting ideas for current projects, voicing out inner thoughts with companions, and of course, photography. Make use of traffic!
If I would add an 8th point, it would be to JUST DO IT! So before I re-read this post and decide not to post, I just press the publish butto…
Guess what I took out of this? ‘Find a way to make money in a strong currency and spend local’. Good one Seye